Belgrade Apartments Olimp

Belgrade Apartments Olimp - Belgrade Apartments Olimp are in a somewhat different neighborhood that bears the same name, Olimp Zvezdara. The neighborhood Belgrade Apartments Olimp are different because of their positions, which is not usually near the center of town, but not too far away either. Belgrade Apartments Olimp are located just a few kilometers from the heart of Belgrade but the quality of the Belgrade Apartments Olimp is the same, only the price is slightly lower. Apartment offer from the list Belgrade Apartments Olimp is extensive, and in it there are only fully equipped apartments. What is specific for Belgrade Apartments Olimp are streets that adorn their environment, which are beautiful because of the long avenues of old trees. Belgrade Apartments Olimp are perfectly connected with the rest of Belgrade, and in particular with the center, which can be reached in only eight minutes by public transport. The neighborhood Belgrade Apartments Olimp are spread over a rectangular area whose boundaries are Ardarska street and Deskaševa street, and the street Bulevar kralja Aleksandra and the street Milana Rakica. Belgrade Apartments Olimp inherited, like the resort Olimp Zvezdara, their name from the sports center Olimp, which is located in the center of the neighborhood. Our guests like to choose Belgrade Apartments Olimp during their stay in Belgrade for several reasons, of which the most important are proximity to the well known Cvetkova pijaca open market and the proximity of the outdoor pool Olimp. Guests of the Belgrade Apartments Olimp adore these apartments because they are ideal for a much-needed rest and relaxation, since the neighborhood is calm and quiet. But Belgrade Apartments Olimp at the same time are a great choice for those who want to rest next to and to be close to the night life. In the vicinity of the Belgrade Apartments Olimp there are no attractions nor tourist sights, but there are some in other neighborhoods nearby, which can be simply and easily reached by public transport. Belgrade Apartments Olimp are definitely an excellent choice for those who wish to have everything at their fingertips, but also to enjoy the outdoors and a relaxed stay. Belgrade Apartments Olimp owes its excellent connections to the Bulevar kralja Aleksandra street, which is packed with stations of public transport for both tram lines and bus lines, leading to all parts of Belgrade, including Novi Beograd. Book your Belgrade Apartments Olimp today!
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Two Bedroom Apartment Zvezdara Lux Belgrade Zvezdara


Location: Belgrade Zvezdara
Address: Murmanska 9
Price 50 €
Guests: 4
Area of the apartment : 55 m2
Structure : Two Bedroom
Two Bedroom Apartment Zvezdara Lux Belgrade Zvezdara
Belgrade Zvezdara ~ Murmanska 9
55 m2 Two Bedroom 4 Guests 5.0 (3)

Belgrade Apartments Olimp

Belgrade Apartments Olimp - Belgrade Apartments Olimp are in a somewhat different neighborhood that bears the same name, Olimp Zvezdara. The neighborhood Belgrade Apartments Olimp are different because of their positions, which is not usually near the center of town, but not too far away either. Belgrade Apartments Olimp are located just a few kilometers from the heart of Belgrade but the quality of the Belgrade Apartments Olimp is the same, only the price is slightly lower. Apartment offer from the list Belgrade Apartments Olimp is extensive, and in it there are only fully equipped apartments. What is specific for Belgrade Apartments Olimp are streets that adorn their environment, which are beautiful because of the long avenues of old trees. Belgrade Apartments Olimp are perfectly connected with the rest of Belgrade, and in particular with the center, which can be reached in only eight minutes by public transport. The neighborhood Belgrade Apartments Olimp are spread over a rectangular area whose boundaries are Ardarska street and Deskaševa street, and the street Bulevar kralja Aleksandra and the street Milana Rakica. Belgrade Apartments Olimp inherited, like the resort Olimp Zvezdara, their name from the sports center Olimp, which is located in the center of the neighborhood. Our guests like to choose Belgrade Apartments Olimp during their stay in Belgrade for several reasons, of which the most important are proximity to the well known Cvetkova pijaca open market and the proximity of the outdoor pool Olimp. Guests of the Belgrade Apartments Olimp adore these apartments because they are ideal for a much-needed rest and relaxation, since the neighborhood is calm and quiet. But Belgrade Apartments Olimp at the same time are a great choice for those who want to rest next to and to be close to the night life. In the vicinity of the Belgrade Apartments Olimp there are no attractions nor tourist sights, but there are some in other neighborhoods nearby, which can be simply and easily reached by public transport. Belgrade Apartments Olimp are definitely an excellent choice for those who wish to have everything at their fingertips, but also to enjoy the outdoors and a relaxed stay. Belgrade Apartments Olimp owes its excellent connections to the Bulevar kralja Aleksandra street, which is packed with stations of public transport for both tram lines and bus lines, leading to all parts of Belgrade, including Novi Beograd. Book your Belgrade Apartments Olimp today!

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