Belgrade Apartments Lion
Belgrade Apartments Lion - Belgrade Apartments Lion are located in the neighborhood Lion in the municipality of Zvezdara. The neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Lion are is recognizable in that it is one of the most beautiful neighborhoods because of the abundance of greenery and nature. In the vicinity of the Belgrade Apartments Lion are eight parks. The neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Lion are stretches from Presevka street to the street Vojislava Ilica and from Bregalnička street to the street Radojke Lukic, and through the center of the neighborhood Lion where the Belgrade Apartments Lion are, goes the well-known street Bulevar kralja Aleksandra. What best describes the Belgrade Apartments Lion is peace, quiet and quality relaxation. Belgrade Apartments Lion are perfectly connected by public transport with the rest of Belgrade. Our guests like to choose Belgrade Apartments Lion because of their location and all the amenities they offer. In the vicinity of the Belgrade Apartments Lion are many restaurants, cafes, bars, bakery, supermarket, shops, banks, exchange offices and ATMs. In short, Belgrade Apartments Lion offer everything you may need during your stay in Belgrade at your fingertips. Belgrade Apartments Lion in their environment also have numerous sights and tourist attractions of which are the most popular are the First Baptist Church, Church of St. Anthony and the park Nightingale stream. The neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Lion are offers and abundance of cultural and artistic events, as it is located near two theaters, Pan Theater and Zvezdara Theater. Just a few minutes away by public transport from the Belgrade Apartments Lion brings you to Vuk's Monument, and ten minutes to the very heart of Belgrade.