Belgrade Apartments Dedinje
Belgrade Apartments Dedinje - Belgrade Apartments Dedinje are located in one of the larger neighborhoods in Belgrade. The neighborhood Dedinje in which the Belgrade Apartments Dedinje are belongs to the municipality of Savski venac. Although Belgrade Apartments Dedinje are somewhat distant from the city center, they are perfectly connected via public transport to the city center in just 10 minutes drive. The neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Dedinje are borders with few neighborhoods, Banjica, Senjak, Kanarevo brdo and the neighborhood Autokomanda. The Belgrade Apartments Dedinje are interesting for the fact that they are in the vicinity of the Royal complex. Belgrade Apartments Dedinje are, due to the proximity of the Royal complex and a forested part that surrounds it, calm, quiet, ideal for an restful vacation, surrounded by nature and in a beautiful setting. During your stay in the Belgrade Apartments Dedinje mornings begin with chirping of the birds, a nights end with a soothing sound of rustling leaves. The environment of the Belgrade Apartments Dedinje is quiet and the neighborhood where the Belgrade Apartments Dedinje are is predominantly inhabited by families. In addition, in the vicinity of the Belgrade Apartments Dedinje are the White Palace and the Military Academy. Belgrade Apartments Dedinje are surrounded by lots of restaurants, cafes, bars, café, supermarket, shops and banks, so everything you may need during your stay in Belgrade is at your fingertips.