Belgrade Apartments Gradska bolnica
Belgrade Apartments Gradska bolnica - Belgrade Apartments Gradska bolnica are located in the neighborhood Gradska bolnica in the municipality of Zvezdara. The neighborhood where the Belgrade Apartments Gradska bolnica are stretches from Presevska street to the street Sveti Nikola and from Varovnička street to the street Učitelja Milosa Jankovica. Belgrade Apartments Gradska bolnica and the neighborhood in which they are located got their names from the City Hospital, which is located in the neighborhoods center. Belgrade Apartments Gradska bolnica earned their popularity because of their location and because they are fully equipped to meet all your needs. Surrounding the Belgrade Apartments Gradska bolnica is one of the more wooded and greener environments, and the neighborhood is calm and quiet, which is why the Belgrade Apartments Gradska bolnica guarantee rest and relaxation. Belgrade Apartments Gradska bolnica are perfectly connected by public transport with the rest of Belgrade, and through the center of the neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Gradska bolnica are, passing is the street Dimitrija Tucovića, connecting the Belgrade Apartments Gradska bolnica with all parts of the city. Belgrade Apartments Gradska bolnica are located in small, winding streets, in buildings from different periods. Our guests like to choose Belgrade Apartments Gradska bolnica because of the abundance of cafes, restaurants, bars, shops, supermarkets and kiosks that surround them. In addition, in the neighborhood where the Belgrade Apartments Gradska bolnica are, are the City Institute for Pulmonary Diseases and Tuberculosis and the Clinical Hospital Center Zvezdara. Near the Belgrade Apartments Gradska bolnica is the very popular and famous Smederevski djeram open market belonging to the Djeram neighborhood. In the vicinity of the Belgrade Apartments Gradska bolnica there are no tourist attractions and sights but they are located in the vicinity, only a few minutes walk away.