Belgrade Apartments Filmski grad
Belgrade Apartments Filmski grad - Belgrade Apartments Filmski grad are located in one of the most interesting neighborhoods in the municipality of Čukarica. The neighborhood where the Belgrade Apartments Filmski grad are got its name because it contains a movie studio Avala film. However, Avala film studio located in the vicinity of the Belgrade Apartments Filmski grad is no longer working, although it used to be one of the top film studios in which they recorded many important films. The neighborhood where the Belgrade Apartments Filmski grad are is calm, quiet and pleasant to live. Belgrade Apartments Filmski grad are well connected with the rest of the city by public transport and the city of Belgrade can be reached in just 10 minutes. In the vicinity of the Belgrade Apartments Filmski grad, next to Avala film studios is the Church of St. Luke, which is equally interesting. Belgrade Apartments Filmski grad are peaceful, quiet and an excellent choice for all those who are in Belgrade came to rest. Belgrade Apartments Filmski grad are fully equipped, modern and nicely furnished.