Belgrade Apartments Banovo brdo
Belgrade Apartments Banovo brdo - Belgrade Apartments Banovo brdo are located in the neighborhood of Banovo brdo in the municipality Čukarica. The neighborhood where the Belgrade Apartments Banovo brdo are is slightly further away from the city center, but still close enough and are easily accessible by public transport. the neighborhoods where the Belgrade Apartments Banovo brdo are bordered with neighborhoods Čukarička padina, Žarkovo and Ada Ciganlija. In the vicinity of the Belgrade Apartments Banovo brdo is a lot of shopping malls and the biggest being Beteks, Stankom and City Hall. the neighborhood where the Belgrade Apartments Banovo brdo are is a quiet, nice and well kept, and in the environment there is a lot of green areas and the park Banovo brdo. From the Belgrade Apartments Banovo brdo the city center can be reached in just 10 minutes by public transport. Belgrade Apartments Banovo brdo in their environment have several public parking lots and public garages. Belgrade Apartments Banovo brdo are an excellent choice for those who want to be in a quiet part of the city, to have a good rest, and yet easily reach the city bustle and all events. Belgrade Apartments Banovo brdo are fully equipped and provide absolute comfort.