Belgrade Apartments Žarkovo
Belgrade Apartments Žarkovo - Belgrade Apartments Žarkovo to the neighborhood Čukarica Žarkovo which is one of the most interesting neighborhoods in the municipality of Čukarica. The neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Žarkovo are spreads over a smaller area, and what makes it interesting is the legend that is related to it. In fact, according to legend the neighborhood where the Belgrade Apartments Žarkovo are located was named after the knight Zarko that defended this neighborhood from the baba Jula's dragon. This is why next to the neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Žarkovo are is the neighborhood Baba Julino Brdo, where she allegedly lived. Street Zmajevačka near the Belgrade Apartments Žarkovo was named like this because this is where the dragons head fell, and the neighborhood Repište received its name because it is where the dragons's tail had fallen. According to the legend about the neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Žarkovo are, the adjacent neighborhood Bele Vode was named that way because it is the where the white blood of the slain dragon flowed through. In addition Belgrade Apartments Žarkovo are interesting because of their location, a little away from the city center to which can be reached in just 20 minutes by public transport, but far enough to provide peace and quiet. Belgrade Apartments Žarkovo in the neighborhood Čukarica Žarkovo are beautiful, modern and fully equipped. In the vicinity of the apartment on the list Belgrade Apartments Žarkovo there are numerous bars, restaurants, cafes, shops and supermarkets, so you during your stay in the apartments on the list Belgrade Apartments Žarkovo all at your fingertips.