Belgrade Apartments Kalemegdan
Belgrade Apartments Kalemegdan - Belgrade Apartments Kalemegdan are some of the more popular with our guests because of their location and the nature that surrounds them. What separates the apartments from the list Belgrade Apartments Kalemegdan from the other apartments is an abundance of nature and greenery combined with the nearness of nightlife and the city bustle. Belgrade Apartments Kalemegdan are located in the vicinity of the eponymous fortress, park and zoo on one side, while the other is surrounded by narrow Dorćol streets full of cafes, restaurants and bars. Belgrade Apartments Kalemegdan in addition to the quality of accommodation are popular because of the proximity of night life and events, as well as extensive tourist offer. Near the apartments from the list Belgrade Apartments Kalemegdan are the ever so popular Beton Hala, Sava Mala district of clubs and cafes, Knez Mihailova Street and a multitude of other, highly visited sights.