Belgrade Apartments Obilićev venac
Belgrade Apartments Obilićev venac - Belgrade Apartments Obilićev venac are placed in one of the most picturesque neighborhoods in Belgrade. What makse apartments from the list Belgrade Apartments Obilićev venac different from other is location and connection with the rest of Belgrade. Belgrade Apartments Obilićev venac are hidden away in small, narrow streets of the neighborhood Obilićev venac that lead to the well-known Knez Mihailova Street. In addition to the apartments from the list Belgrade Apartments Obilićev venac, these small streets and hide a multitude of cafes, restaurants and bars, but also some landmarks of Belgrade. Near the apartments from the list Belgrade Apartments Obilićev venac are the Republic Square, Branko's Bridge, Princess Ljubica's residence, the National Museum and National Theater. In addition to cultural institutions and attractions in the vicinity of the apartment from the list Belgrade Apartments Obilićev venac there are Zeleni venac, Knez Mihailova Street, Topličin venac and the Kalemegdan Fortress.