Belgrade Apartments Klinički centar
Belgrade Apartments Klinički centar - Belgrade Apartments Klinički centar are located in the neighborhood of Klinički centar of the municipality of Savski Venac, near the Slavija square. The neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Klinički centar are is one of the smaller neighborhoods, and the borders are the streets Tiršova, Resavska, Dr. Koste Todorovica and Deligradska. Belgrade Apartments Klinički centar are named by the Klinički centar located in the heart of the Savski venac Klinički centar. The neighborhood in which there are Belgrade Apartments Klinički centar are is a nice, clean, and adorned by small, narrow streets and beautiful facades of prewar architecture. In the vicinity of the Belgrade Apartments Klinički centar there are numerous medical institutions, Institute of Psychiatry, Center for Radiology and MRI, Cardiac Surgery, Center of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Hematology, Emergency Center, Surgery Ophthalmology, Department of Allergology and Immunology, and many others. Belgrade Apartments Klinički centar are located near the center of Belgrade, and it can be reached in just 5 minutes by public transport. The neighborhood in which the Belgrade Klinički centar Apartments are is calm and quiet and decorated by tree lines and beautiful streets. The neighborhood where the Belgrade Apartments Klinički centar is well connected by public transport with the rest of the city. Near the Belgrade Apartments Klinički centar there are several parks, numerous cafes, restaurants, bars, shops and markets. Belgrade Apartments Klinički centar are beautiful, modern and fully equipped, providing absolute comfort and the perfect choice.