Belgrade Apartments Zeleni venac
Belgrade Apartments Zeleni venac - Belgrade Apartments Zeleni venac are placed in one of the more unusual, urban neighborhoods in Belgrade. The neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Zeleni venac are is best known as Zelenjak. Belgrade Apartments Zeleni venac are spread across the streets Jug Bogdanova, Zeleni Venac, Kraljice Natalije, Balkanska, Lomina and Prizrenska. What attracts our guests to stay in the apartments from the list Belgrade Apartments Zeleni venac is the historical significance of the neighborhood Zeleni venac, the public transport connections with the rest of the city and proximity to the heart of Belgrade. As far as historical significance Belgrade Apartments Zeleni venac are located near the home of our only Nobel Prize winner Ivo Andric, also, nearby is the tavern Zlatna moruna, a witness of the time of the First World War.The apartments from the list Belgrade Apartments Zeleni venac are easily reachable, the Republic Square is connected to Zeleni Venac via an underground pedestrian tunnel, and the Terazije is connected via the Terazijski tunnel. Among other things Belgrade Apartments Zeleni venac are an excellent choice for those who want to rest, and those who come to Belgrade by car since there is a nearby garage Zeleni venac. Furthermore, there is also an open market Zeleni venac that is very popular with the guests.