Belgrade Apartments Blok 34 (Carina - Studentski grad)
Belgrade Apartments Blok 34 Studentski grad - Belgrade Apartments Blok 34 Studentski grad is set in block 34 Studentski grad. The neighborhood Belgrade Apartments Blok 34 Studentski grad are one of the most beautiful and most beautiful neighborhoods in New Belgrade, and got their name for being in the vicinity of numerous student facilities. The neighborhood Belgrade Apartments Blok 34 Studentski grad are located in the heart of New Belgrade. The streets bordering the neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Blok 34 Studentski grad are, are the Boulevard Zoran Djindjic, Studentska street, Studentski grad and street Tosin bunar. Belgrade Apartments Blok 34 Studentski grad are among are among the most sought after amongst our guests due to their location and because of their proximity to the Danube quay. In the vicinity of the Belgrade Apartments Blok 34 Studentski grad are numerous restaurants, boutiques, shops and a variety of cultural and artistic events in Belgrade. Belgrade Apartments Blok 34 Studentski grad are popular precisely because of these cultural, artistic and sporting events. Some of the most famous sights in the vicinity of the Belgrade Apartments Blok 34 Studentski grad are the culture center "Studentski grad", RTV "Studentski grad", the student club of the Student center and library "Studentski grad". In addition, in the vicinity of the Belgrade Apartments Blok 34 Studentski grad are the Tourism College, Polytechnic Faculty and the, Student Cultural Center Novi Beograd and sports hall "Ranko Žeravica". Belgrade Apartments Blok 34 Studentski grad from the neighborhood Block 34 Studentski grad are fully equipped and meet the standards of even the most demanding guests.