Belgrade Apartments Ada Ciganlija
Belgrade Apartments Ada Ciganlija - Belgrade Apartments Ada Ciganlija are located in the neighborhood Čukarica Ada Ciganlija. Neighborhoods Belgrade Apartments Ada Ciganlija are one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in Belgrade. Belgrade Apartments Ada Ciganlija are located near the Sava River and got their name from the Ada Ciganlija swimming hole located nearby. Belgrade Apartments Ada Ciganlija are easily accessible and well connected with the rest of the city by public transport. The neighborhood where the Belgrade Apartments Ada Ciganlija are borders with the neighborhoods Banovo Brdo and Careva Ćuprija. Near the Belgrade Apartments Ada Ciganlija are the main bus and the main railway station and the city center is only 10 minutes by public transport. What our guests especially attractive about the apartment from the list Belgrade Apartments Ada Ciganlija peace, quiet, quality and absolute comfort that they provide. Belgrade Apartments Ada Ciganlija are superb equipped, following the last standards and provide absolute comfort. Near the apartments from the list Belgrade Apartments Ada Ciganlija there are several public parking is available and guests can easily find a parking place.