Belgrade Apartments Sava centar
Belgrade Apartments Sava Centar - Belgrade Apartments Sava Centar are located in the neighborhood Sava Centar in New Belgrade. The neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Sava Centar are is one of the most popular neighborhoods in our offer. Therefore, Belgrade Apartments Sava Centar are among the most popular when it comes to renting an apartment per day. The neighborhood where the Belgrade Apartments Sava Centar are is one of the most beautiful and most modern neighborhoods in Belgrade. What best describes the Belgrade Apartments Sava Centar are modern skyscrapers, top quality accommodation, magnificent office buildings and the banks of the Sava River. The Belgrade Apartments Sava Centar are different from others because of their specific location and proximity to the heart of Belgrade. Belgrade Apartments Sava Centar are located only 5 minutes from the city center and are well connected with the rest of Belgrade. On both sides of the neighborhood Sava Centar New Belgrade in which the Belgrade Apartments Sava Centar are, are the bridges Gazela and Branko's Bridge. The neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Sava Centar are, has plenty of green areas and is popular among our guests because of the Sava River which is full of night clubs, rafts and cafes. Belgrade Apartments Sava Centar are superbly equipped and provide absolute comfort, peace and tranquility. Belgrade Apartments Sava Centar are the ideal choice for those who want to have a good rest but still be close to the many events and popular nightlife.