Belgrade Attractions Center

Zadužbina Nikole Spasića

Kneza Mihaila 33, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Foundation of Nikola Spasic was founded posthumously by handwritten testament on 09 February 1912. 30 April 1920 has been officially launched. Nikola Spasic, a Serbian wholesaler, and a great benefactor and donor was known as a diligent and hard-working man, he enjoyed the reputation of a honest and wise man. His great wealth was invested in stocks... read more

Attraction Zadužbina Nikole Spasića Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 08:00h to 16:00h

Sahat Kapija i Sahat Kula

Kalemegdanska Tvrdjava, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Sahat Gate and Sahat Tower from the list Belgrade Attractions are located on the main path to the Upper Town at Kalemegdan, they are witnesses of the development of architecture in under two reigns. Sahat Gate from the list Belgrade Attractions was built in the 17th century during the repair of the then damaged southeastern walls, and... read more

Attraction Sahat Kapija i Sahat Kula Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 11:00h to 19:00h

Mitropolitski dvor

Donji Kalemegdan, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Remains Metropolitan palace in Kalemegdan from the list Belgrade Attractions were discovered during excavations in the Lower Town in 1977, during the search for the most important medieval Orthodox church of Belgrade, which was dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin and was located at the current elevation above the lower Kalemegdan city. Archaeological research uncovered the... read more

Attraction Mitropolitski dvor Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 24:00h to 24:00h

Kapetan Mišino Zdanje

Studentski trg 1, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Captain Misa's building from the list Belgrade Attractions is one of the most famous structures of the nineteenth century in Belgrade, and is home to the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade and part of the Faculty of Philosophy. Situated at Studentski trg, ithe house from the list Belgrade Attractions was built in the period between 1857... read more

Attraction Kapetan Mišino Zdanje Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Božićeva kuća u Beogradu

Gospodar Jevremova 19, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Bozic's House is located at 19 Gospodar Jevremova Street in the heart of Belgrade. Today it is a building of great cultural and historical importance and is one of the immovable cultural assets and cultural monuments. It was built for the needs of Belgrade merchant Miloja Božić in 1836. Miloje Bozic and his wife remained immortalized in... read more

Attraction Božićeva kuća u Beogradu Belgrade
+381 11 2626630
working hours / Wednesday
from 09:00h to 18:00h

Dom Jevrema Grujića

Svetogorska 17, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The home of Jevrem Grujic from the list Belgrade Attractions was built in 1896, according to the project of the architect Milan Kapetanovic, by Jevrem Grujic, for his family. The home from the list Belgrade Attractions was built in the spirit of the French neo-baroque and neo-Renaissance. Domenik D'Andre the Italian master of decorative painting, whose facade... read more

Attraction Dom Jevrema Grujića Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday

Galerija "Singidunum"

Knez Mihailova 40, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Singidunum Gallery was opened in 1980 at 40 Knez Mihailova Street. Great location and a curious audience contributed to the opening of galleries dedicated to the promotion of applied and fine arts. The very name of the "Singidunum" gallery signifies the purpose with which it was founded, which is to preserve Belgrade's ancient and rich history with... read more

Attraction Galerija "Singidunum" Belgrade
011 2185323
working hours / Wednesday
from 10:00h to 20:00h

Zadužbina Branka Ćopića

Knez Mihailova 35, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Serbian and Yugoslav writer Branko Copic, finished elementary school in his birthplace, and a lower secondary school in Bihac. He studied a Teachers school in Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Delnice and finished it in Karlovci. Then, he enrolled at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and graduated in 1940. In 1928 he published his first story, and a short... read more

Attraction Zadužbina Branka Ćopića Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Botanička bašta "Jevremovac"

Takovska 43, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Botanical Garden "Jevremovac" bears the status of the first and only botanical garden in Belgrade and throughout Serbia. It is located near the city center in Takovska Street. The Botanical Garden has been proclaimed a Category II nature monument and a cultural monument and, together with the Institute of Botany, is a teaching unit of the Faculty... read more

Attraction Botanička bašta "Jevremovac" Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Igumanova Palata

Trg Nikole Pašića 31, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Palace Igumanov from the list Belgrade Attractions, located on the Terazije street in Belgrade, built in 1938, was designed by architects Petar and Branko Krstic, in the style of modernism. It was built by Sima Andrejevic Igumanov (1804-1882), a Serbian merchant and a great benefactor. Palace Igumanov from the list Belgrade Attractions was built in the time... read more

Attraction Igumanova Palata Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 24:00h to 24:00h

Dom štampe

Knez Mihailova 6, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The building of the Press House is located in the very center of Belgrade in Knez Mihailova Street, number 6. It is of great importance for architecture in our region, because at the time it was built it represented a completely new model of business premises. In addition, it has exceptional architectural value for the appearance of... read more

Attraction Dom štampe Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Zadužbina Ive Andrića

Milutina Bojica 4, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The Foundation of Ivo Andric from the list Belgrade Attractions was established after the last wishes of Ivo Andric, on 5th of December 1974. He told Milan Djokovic, a writer, and Gvozden Jovanić, a cultural deputy, his last wish, with what they became witnesses and signatories. After the death of the great writer, the First Municipal Court... read more

Attraction Zadužbina Ive Andrića Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Kuća Nikole Pašića

Francuska 21, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - House Nikola Pasic from the list Belgrade Attractions is in Francuska Street, and was built in 1872, it consists of a basement, ground floor and a mansard roof. The property which the house from the list Belgrade Attractions was built on belonged to the famous dealers, Nikola and Kosta Dzanga. The house is a one-family house with... read more

Attraction Kuća Nikole Pašića Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 24:00h to 24:00h

Kula Nebojša

Bulevar Vojvode Bojovića, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Nebojsa Tower from the list Belgrade Attractions is located at the Lower Town of Belgrade Fortress, at the entrance of the former Dunav port and one of the most famous towers. During the Ottoman rule in it the Greek revolutionary Riga Fere was executed. The name comes from the negation of the verb to be afraid. With... read more

Attraction Kula Nebojša Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 11:00h to 19:00h

Stara Narodna Biblioteka Srbije

Kosančićev Venac, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The National Library of Serbia from the list Belgrade Attractions once stood on Kosančićev venac, the only thing in its place now are the remainders that once on that very place there was a magnificent building that was home to knowledge and history. The rubble and karst of the National library of Serbia from the list Belgrade... read more

Attraction Stara Narodna Biblioteka Srbije Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 24:00h to 24:00h

Zepter Muzej

Knez Mihailova 42, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Among the fascinating pieces of Serbian architecture is the Zepter Museum building located in Knez Mihailova Street. The building was designed by architect Dionis Andrija Sunko for the needs of the First Croatian Savings Bank, which would be located in the heart of Belgrade. The Croatian Savings Bank moved into the building, which significantly contributed to the... read more

Attraction Zepter Muzej Belgrade
+ 38111 32833 39
+38111 3300111
working hours / Wednesday
from 10:00h to 10:00h

Palata Ratnički dom (Dom JNA)

Braće Jugovića 19, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The Palace of the Veternas' House or the JNA House and the Serbian Army House is located not far from Republic Square and occupies a place of exceptional cultural and historical importance for Belgrade. The palace was built in 1931 for cultural information purposes of the army and reserve officers. To date, the Serbian Armed Forces House... read more

Attraction Palata Ratnički dom (Dom JNA) Belgrade
011 3234702
011 3234712
working hours / Wednesday
from 11:00h to 19:00h

Zgrada Beogradske zadruge

Travnička 2, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The Belgrade Cooperative Building is located in Karadjordjeva Street in Savski venac. Today it is considered one of the monuments of culture and cultural property of great importance. It was built in 1907 and is one of the greatest architectural works of Nikola Nestorovic and Andre Stevanovic. The building was modeled after the Paris Exhibition and Decoration... read more

Attraction Zgrada Beogradske zadruge Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 08:00h to 18:00h

Dom Vukove zadužbine

Kralja Milana 2, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The House of the Vuk's Foundation is a cultural monument of great importance. The building began to be built in 1870-187. years with the idea, which it still serves today after 130 years, that of preserving culture and education. It is located in Kralja Milana Street between Terazije and Slavia, and is one of the oldest buildings... read more

Attraction Dom Vukove zadužbine Belgrade
+381 11 2682803
+381 11 2683890
working hours / Wednesday
from 0h to 24:00h

Spomenik Knezu Mihailu Obrenoviću

Trg Republike Srbije, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The Monument of Prince Mihailo Obrenovic from the list Belgrade Attractions is located on the Republic square and amongst the people is known as a meeting place by the name of "The Horse". The monument from the list Belgrade Attractions was erected in 1882 and represents Prince Mihailo Obrenovic as a rider. The monument was done by... read more

Attraction Spomenik Knezu Mihailu Obrenoviću Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 24:00h to 24:00h

Beogradska Tvrdjava

Bulevar Vojvode Bojovića, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Belgrade Fortress from the list Belgrade Attractions, dating from the first millennium, was originally built as a palisade with earthen walls but has developed over the centuries. Belgrade, the one we know today, evolved around this monumental historical building from the list Belgrade Attractions. From palisade earthen walls it developed into a Roman castrum, then a Byzantine... read more

Attraction Beogradska Tvrdjava Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 24:00h to 24:00h

Institut Servantes

Čika Ljubina 19, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Spain founded the Cervantes Institute in 1991, an institution that will promote Spanish language and culture in the countries where it is open. So far, it has been opened in more than 70 centers around the world, and Belgrade is one of them. The institute bears the name of writer Miguel de Cervantes. In Belgrade, the Cervantes... read more

Attraction Institut Servantes Belgrade
011 3034182
working hours / Wednesday
from 09:00h to 18:30h

Dom Mike Alasa

Kosančićev Venac 22, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The house in Kosančićev venac from the list Belgrade Attractions was built in 1910 for Mihil Petrovic, popularly known as Mika Alas, who lived,worked and died there. It was built on the site of the demolished house of his grandfather Novica Lazarevic, a Belgradian archpriest. The famous mathematician, scientist and fisherman spent nearly all his life in... read more

Attraction Dom Mike Alasa Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 24:00h to 24:00h

Bajrakli Džamija

Gospodar Jevremova, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Bajrakli mosque from the list Belgrade Attractions is located on Gospodar Jevremova street in the old part of Belgrade in Dorcol. It was built during the 1575 and is the only remaining mosque in Belgrade, out of the former 273, that existed during the reign of the Ottoman Empire. Between 1717 and 1739, during the Austrian occupation... read more

Attraction Bajrakli Džamija Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Stari Dvor

Dragoslava Jovanovica 2, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The Old Palace from the list Belgrade Attractions with the location on Kralja Milana street is a representative building in Belgrade, which was raised by King Milan between 1881 and 1884. At the Old Palace from the Belgrade Attractions list, between 1903 and 1921, lived Petar I Karadjordjevic, and between 1921 and 1922, King Alexander I, today... read more

Attraction Stari Dvor Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Spomenik Pobednik

Kalemegdanska terasa, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Sights Belgrade - Monument "The Victor" is one of the most famous symbols of our main work and one of the most visited attractions. It is located on the plateau of the Upper City of Belgrade Fortress which offers an amazing view of the mouth of the Sava and Danube. It was erected in 1928 to mark the 10th anniversary... read more

Attraction Spomenik Pobednik Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 0h to 24:00h

Konak Kneginje Ljubice

Kneza Sime Markovića 8, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The residence of Princess Ljubica from the list Belgrade Attractions is located at Kneza Sime Markovica street, near the city center. Besides the building from the list Belgrade Attractions, next to the building of the Patriarchate there was another, an old palace, that had residential purposes, however, Prince Miloš decided to build a new palace right next... read more

Attraction Konak Kneginje Ljubice Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 10:00h to 18:00h

Rimski Bunar

Kalemegdanska tvrdjava, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Roman well from the list Belgrade Attractions is located below the plateau of the Upper Town at Kalemegdan, comfortably placed and cleverly hidden from the eyes of passers by, behind a black, iron gate. It is believed that the well from the list Belgrade Attractions was built during the Austrian rule of Belgrade between 1717 and 1731,... read more

Attraction Rimski Bunar Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 11:00h to 19:00h

Oficirska Zadruga

Masarikova, Resavska, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The building of the Officers union is is located on the corner of Masarikova and Resavska street, built in 1908, and the main architect of this project was Svetozar Jovanovic, who at the time had only 26 years. His companions were Danilo Vladislavljević and Vladimir Popovic. The building of the Officers union is an important link in... read more

Attraction Oficirska Zadruga Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Kafana "Ruski car"

Obilićev venac 29, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The list of the most beautiful sights in Belgrade is a building that housed a restaurant and restaurant "Russian Tsar" decades ago. It is located at the intersection of Knez Mihailova Street and Obilicev venac. Great location makes it almost impossible to walk past the building without pausing and admiring its beauty for a short while. The... read more

Attraction Kafana "Ruski car" Belgrade
+381 654722247
working hours / Wednesday
from 08:00h to 24:00h

Apartments Belgrade Center

One Bedroom Apartment Milka Belgrade Center


Location: Belgrade Center
Address: Bulevar Despota Stefana 43
Price 40 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 20 m2
Structure : One Bedroom
One Bedroom Apartment Milka Belgrade Center
Belgrade Center ~ Bulevar Despota Stefana 43
20 m2 One Bedroom 2 Guests 4.7 (25)

Studio Apartment The Main Street Belgrade Center


Location: Belgrade Center
Address: Kralja Milana 8
Price 40 €
Guests: 4
Area of the apartment : 30 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment The Main Street Belgrade Center
Belgrade Center ~ Kralja Milana 8
30 m2 Studio 4 Guests 4.3 (60)

Studio Apartment Sanja Gold Belgrade Center


Location: Belgrade Center
Address: Kapetan-Misina 4
Price 45 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 31 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Sanja Gold Belgrade Center
Belgrade Center ~ Kapetan-Misina 4
31 m2 Studio 2 Guests 4.8 (29)