Belgrade Taverns with Non Smoking Area

Cigarette smoke bothers you and you don’t want to smell like cigarettes after every meal? We have put together a list of all of the taverns in Belgrade that offer their guest the comfort of a non smoking area just for You! All you need to do is get ready, bring some good energy with you and go to one of the Belgrade taverns with a non smoking area!

Ispod Mosta

Crnogorska, Belgrade

Belgrade Taverns Savski Venac

“Ispod Mosta” is an ethnic and at the same time chic Belgrade tavern where the old traditions live and the young have fun! The unique place has a fascinating interior with a combination of luxury feel and beer casks put together.  The “Ispod Mosta” offers its patrons quality beer, top notch alcohol and tasty, traditional, national serbian cuisine meals with... read more

Tavern Ispod Mosta Belgrade
working hours / Sunday
from 10:00h to 24:00h