STB taxi vehicles can meet Belgrade,transfer from/to Belgrade airport, visit all the cultural sights in Belgrade and all around Serbia , restaurants, cultural and other events that our city has to offer. Call us!. We provide continuous taxi transportation every day 24/7 tart 170 din. I Tarif 65 din. II Tarif ** 85 din. III Tarif *** 130 din. One hour of waiting 750 din. *The second tariff is charged for a period of 6.00h to 22.00h, Sundays and public holidays. ** The first and second tariff are valid for the city, the third tariff is valid from the pointslisted in the metropolitan area outside of the town according to Govermant Decision of Belgrade city, clearly indicated in the price list each vehicle has a taxi STB. ***The third tariff applies long distance tour. Taxi drive price : ( Serbia) Airport transfer : 20 EUR Trip in Serbia: 0,35 EUR per km + 5 EUR waiting hour
day | From | To |
Monday | 0 | 24:00 |
Tuesday | 0 | 24:00 |
Wednesday | 0 | 24:00 |
Thursday | 0 | 24:00 |
Friday | 0 | 24:00 |
Saturday | 0 | 24:00 |
Sunday | 0 | 24:00 |