Belgrade Shopping Centers Center Kosančićev venac
Center Kosančićev venac - The neighborhood Center Kosančićev venac is the very visited and very wanted by both our guests and by Belgraders. The neighborhood Center Kosančićev venac is in the very hear of Belgrade and as such is the epicenter of the most diverse events. In addition to the most diverse selection of apartments furnished according to the latest standards the neighborhood Center Kosančićev venac offers a multitude of attractions, from the galleries, museums and various art studios, across a number of different theaters, cinemas to the comprehensive range of restaurants, cafes and bars. This is why the neighborhood Kosančićev venac Center is the most loved neighborhood in Belgrade. Favorite attraction of tourists and visitors of the neighborhood Kosančićev venac Center the old National Library. Kosančićev venac center is a place where luxury meets hedonism, the neighborhood is at ease, a perfect place for relaxation and enjoyment.