Small apartments: Tips for efficient organization and transformation of living space

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  • Demand for smaller apartments and apartments is growing in urban areas, especially due to high rental prices. Apartments with a smaller square footage are becoming attractive, and thirty square meters in a good location is the dream of many young people who want independence for studying or work. In addition to being more economical, small apartments also reduce utility costs.

    However, the challenge is to match living needs with limited space and avoid feeling cramped. It is important to make the most of every corner. Designing a small space becomes a creative endeavor, with the aim of solving space limitations.

    Below are some tips for efficient space organization that can make living in a small space easier.

    Optimize space with functional partitions

    If, for example, you are thinking about optimizing the space in a studio apartment in Belgrade, where the kitchen, living room and bedroom merge into one room, it is important to achieve functionality in the arrangement of the furniture.

    Partitioning plays a significant role here. Instead of traditional walls, it is recommended to use bookshelves or wardrobes as a means of dividing the space, which can be especially useful when it comes to renting apartments in Belgrade. In this way, you improve the comfort and personal experience of the rented space.

    This not only saves space, but also provides additional storage capacity for wardrobe or books. Screens are also a great option, especially if you're choosing between retro pieces with artistic variations or modern furniture. In the context of the sale of apartments in Belgrade, space optimization is the basis for improving the attractiveness of the property to potential buyers.

    Efficient use of space, such as sliding doors that slide seamlessly into the wall to save space, contributes to the feeling of openness and functionality. This, in turn, can create a positive impression with buyers, making the property more attractive and potentially influencing their purchase decision.

    Get folding furniture

    Folding furniture can significantly improve the functionality of your space. Assembled-dismantled pieces, such as a table that can be easily stowed away when not needed, provide practical solutions.

    For a bedroom that doubles as a living room, consider a bed that is built into the wall and can be lowered in one move. When choosing more classic pieces like a bed or dresser, pay attention to drawers that provide additional storage space.

    When it comes to the kitchen, if you have the opportunity, raise it to one step to create a visual division from the rest of the space. By using a floor or tiles different from the rest of the room, you can further emphasize its character.

    Consider placing the bar as a partition, and you can enrich it by including a small fish tank for added aesthetics.

    Enhance the space and create the illusion of spaciousness

    Interior designers often emphasize the importance of mirrors in reshaping a space. Strategically place mirrors behind the table to manipulate light and create the impression of spaciousness.

    If you want, use more mirrors, avoiding placing one directly above the other. Combining wall mirrors with mirrored furniture further enhances the feeling of spaciousness.

    When it comes to the colors on the walls, to create a calm atmosphere, choose uniform tones with the addition of different textures. Light colors such as white, pale gray, cream, or blue further emphasize the brightness of the space.

    Experts suggest adding accent colors, bright shades on one wall or creating a mini-mural to creatively highlight a certain part of the room. With these simple techniques, you will achieve harmony and experience space in a completely new way.

    Get rid of unnecessary things

    The process of getting rid of unnecessary things plays an important role in the transformation of a small living space. Before applying the above guidelines, it is important to go through the cleaning of the apartment or apartment carefully.

    Get rid of unnecessary things that may have been unused for a long time, outgrown or it was difficult for you to part with them for sentimental reasons. Don't just push things into the corners of the room or store them in bags, but decisively eliminate them and create space for new energy and organization.

    When you free yourself from the burden of old outdated objects, such as bulky lamps or impractical artistic statues, you create space for a better overview.

    Thus, you will enable yourself to see each part of the room more clearly, explore different settings and open the door to creativity to come up with fresh ideas for decorating and improving your everyday environment.


    In urban areas, the demand for smaller apartments is growing due to high rental prices, and thirty square meters is becoming the preferred choice for young people who want independence.

    In addition to economic profitability, small apartments also reduce utility costs. The key is matching living needs with limited space.

    Tips for efficient space organization include using functional partitions, folding furniture and creating the illusion of spaciousness with mirrors and careful color selection.

    Getting rid of unnecessary things is the main stage in the transformation of a small space, allowing a clearer overview and opening up space for creativity.

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